Soft Rubber Grip with Finger Grooves J Frame Round Butt, Centennial/Polymer Bodyguard Tamer Grip Pink Soft Rubber GripsMolded in a handsome black color, Hogue’s soft rubber grips dress up both blue...
J Frame Round Butt, Centennial/Polymer Bodyguard Tamer Grip
Soft Rubber Grips
Molded in a handsome black color, Hogue’s soft rubber grips dress up both blue and stainless handguns. Our exclusive Cobblestone™ texture has become the favored choice among firearm enthusiasts. With its positive nonirritating stippled texture, Cobblestone provides a firm grip with the mobility of a smooth grip when pressure is relaxed. Hogue soft rubber grips give you a lasting precision
fit and durability that will provide years of dependable service.
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