Bog-Pod Shooting Sticks BOG-POD branded products have become the standard for quality and durability in monopods, bipods and tripods. The Dead Silent Shooting Sticks bring the same trusted BOG-POD® stability and durability...
BOG-POD branded products have become the standard for quality and durability in monopods, bipods and tripods.
The Dead Silent Shooting Sticks bring the same trusted BOG-POD® stability and durability to a collapsable shooting stick platform. The DSS are made of robust 9/16” dia. aluminum and nonmarring weather resistant surfaces. The Leg Section Retention clips are movable and adjustable to allow the shooter to fold and clip a leg section to the Shooting Stick. This adjusts the platform to a lower height and keeps the folded leg sections secure and out of the way during transport.
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